miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

Plastics characteristics

Some characteristics of the plastics components of a bic pen and wastebaskets recycling:

Polypropylene: The polypropylene is a type of plastic that can be molded by the heating only, that is to say, it is the thermoplastic one. Principal characteristics: Of low cost; High chemical resistance to the solvents; Easy of I mold; Easy to color; High resistance to the fracture for flexion or fatigue; Good resistance to the impact superior to temperatures superior to the 15 ° C; Good thermal stability; Increase of the sensibility to the light UV and agents oxidizers, suffering to the degradation easier. 
Polyestyrene: The polystyrene is an economic and resistant plastic. The polystyrene also appears in the shape of foam for bundle and as insulating. It was obtained by the first time in Germany by the I.G. Faberindustrie, in the year 1930. It is the solid glassy one below 100 ºC; over this temperature it is procesable and it him can give multiple forms. Toys Frameworks of radio and television You Depart from the Instrumental medical car domestic Furniture Stoppers of bottles Containers Bottles Containers.
The mechanical properties of the linear polyethylene of low density (LDPE) are great high mas that those of LDPE and HDPE. It possesses an excellent resistance to the traction, to the impact, to the torn one, to the perforation or puncture, forces in the sealed one to the heat, and to the cracked one for environmental effects. In addition it possesses, good resistance to the impact to very low temperatures (up to-95°C) and in movies it possesses excellent elongation. .Usos: The polyethylene has found wide acceptance by virtue of his good chemical resistance, lacking in smell, not toxicity, few permeability for the water steam, excellent electrical properties and lightness of weight. It uses in pipelines, fibers, movies, electrical isolation, coatings, packings, domestic utensils, surgical devices, toys and articles of fantasy.
High Density Polyethylene:
The HDPE has many applications in the current industry. More than the half of his use is for the manufacture of containers, lids and closings; another great volume is molded for domestic utensils and toys; a use also important that has is for pipelines and conduits. His use to pack has increased due to his low cost, flexibility, permanence, his aptitude to resist the process of sterilization, and resistance to a lot of chemical substances. Between other many products in which the hdpe is in use, we can name boats of oil and for organic solvents, handles of razor knife, petrol tanks, bottles of milk, carrier bags and toys.

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